.txt{font-family:Arial,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:11px; color:#000000;line-height:18px;}
Subject : '.$subject.'
Customer Name : '.$name.'
Contact # '.$mobile.'
Email : '.$email.'
Description : '.$desc.'
'; $Mail = new PHPMailer(); $Mail -> ClearAllRecipients(); //$Mail -> AddAddress($to_email); //Explode by comma so that we get an array of emails. $emailsExploded = explode(",", $to_email); //If the array isn't empty, loop through if(!empty($emailsExploded)){ foreach($emailsExploded as $emailAddress){ $Mail->AddAddress(trim($emailAddress)); } } else{ //This should not be the case. throw new Exception('No emails found!'); } $Mail -> FromName = $name; $Mail -> From = $email; $Mail -> Subject = "Latest On - Contact Us Form (Arabic)"; $Mail -> Body = stripslashes($body); $Mail -> IsHTML(true); $flag = $Mail -> Send(); if($flag == 1) { ?> اتصل بنا

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